Uses of Class

Packages that use ConnectionHeader

Uses of ConnectionHeader in de.netseeker.ejoe

Subclasses of ConnectionHeader in de.netseeker.ejoe
 class ServerInfo

Methods in de.netseeker.ejoe that return ConnectionHeader
 ConnectionHeader ConnectionHeader.copy()
          Returns a clean copy of the current instance containing all transportable settings of the connection header
 ConnectionHeader EJClient.getConnectionHeader()
          Getter method to get direct access to the underlying ConnectionHeader (as required by the WSIF port implementation)

Uses of ConnectionHeader in de.netseeker.ejoe.core

Methods in de.netseeker.ejoe.core that return ConnectionHeader
 ConnectionHeader ConnectionReader.getSenderInfo()

Methods in de.netseeker.ejoe.core with parameters of type ConnectionHeader
static InJvmProcessor InJvmProcessorFactory.createProcessor(ConnectionHeader clientHeader)
 void ChannelRegistrar.register(ConnectionHeader receiverInfo, int interest)
          (Re-)Adds a incomplete read channel to the list of channels processed by the Selector of this ChannelRegistrar
 void CombinedConnectionProcessor.register(ConnectionHeader clientInfo, int interest)

Constructors in de.netseeker.ejoe.core with parameters of type ConnectionHeader
ConnectionReader(ChannelRegistrar registrar, ServerInfo receiverInfo, ConnectionHeader senderInfo)
          Creates a new instance of ConnectionReader
InJvmProcessor(IServerInfo receiverInfo, ConnectionHeader senderInfo)
          Creates a new instance of InJvmProcessor

Uses of ConnectionHeader in de.netseeker.ejoe.http

Fields in de.netseeker.ejoe.http declared as ConnectionHeader
protected  ConnectionHeader HttpRequest._header

Constructors in de.netseeker.ejoe.http with parameters of type ConnectionHeader
HttpRequest(ConnectionHeader header, java.lang.String method)
          Creates a new HTTP request using the given connection header and the given HTTP method (HEAD, POST).
HttpRequest(ConnectionHeader header, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String method)
          Creates a new HTTP request using the given connection header, the given HTTP method (HEAD, POST) and the given content (mime) type.
HttpRequest(ConnectionHeader header, java.lang.String host, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String method)
          Creates a new HTTP request using the given connection header, the given host name, the given content (mime) type and the given HTTP method (HEAD, POST).
HttpResponse(ConnectionHeader header, java.lang.String status)
          Creates a new HTTP response using the given connection header and the given HTTP status code string
HttpResponse(ConnectionHeader header, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String status)
          Creates a new HTTP response using the given connection header, the given content (mime) type and the given HTTP status code string

Uses of ConnectionHeader in

Methods in that return ConnectionHeader
 ConnectionHeader DataChannel.handshake(ConnectionHeader header, java.nio.channels.SocketChannel channel, long timeout)
          Handshake for a socket channel.

Methods in with parameters of type ConnectionHeader
static DataChannel DataChannel.getInstance(ConnectionHeader header)
          Returns appropiate instance of DataChannel for the given connection header.
 ConnectionHeader DataChannel.handshake(ConnectionHeader header, java.nio.channels.SocketChannel channel, long timeout)
          Handshake for a socket channel.
 int DataChannel.readHeader(ConnectionHeader header, long timeout)
          Receives a EJOE specific header containing the size of the next ByteBuffer.
 void DataChannel.writeHeader(ConnectionHeader header, java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer, long timeout)
          Sends a EJOE specific header containing the lengh of the given ByteBuffer

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