
Class Summary
ByteBufferInputStream Implements an input stream over a NIO ByteBuffer.
ByteBufferOutputStream Implements an input stream for a NIO ByteBuffer.
ChannelInputStream This is a very ugly try to work around the following issue when using Channel.newInputStream(): If the client closes the connection and we are already reading from the blocking InputStream, that stream will simply throw an IOException to notify us of the connection close.
DataChannel Utility class handling all socket oriented data IO on nio channels.
FastBufferedInputStream A BufferedInputStream adds functionality to another input stream-namely, the ability to buffer the input and to support the mark and reset methods.
FastBufferedOutputStream The class implements a buffered output stream.
IOUtil Some useful methods for closing io streams, io readers, channels and Selector quitely, as well as methods for non-blocking, semi-blocking and full blocking io read/write operations.
UncloseableInputStream Simple buffered input stream wrapper which overwrites #close to prevent some and is used when input streams are handed over to (de)serialize adapters to prevent some parsers, eg.
UncloseableOutputStream Simple input stream wrapper which overwrites #close to prevent some and is used when output streams are handed over to serialize adapters to prevent some encoders, eg.

Exception Summary
IncompleteIOException A special exception type which will be thrown when a incomplete non-blocking IO read or write operation occurs.

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